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Collaborations - Who does what 


In brief:

  • we each record and film our performances, then these are mixed and edited together.


  • All collaborators sign off the final edit of the video and it gets published on my YouTube Channel ( each collaborator is free to add a link to my uploaded final edit, for their own channels or playlists). 


In detail:

For amateur collaboration projects that I’m involved in, I expect artists I am new to collaborating with to submit clips and recordings of their performances to me.  I will mix audio and edit the video here in London and when there is a draft version of the project to approve, this is circulated between collaborators to be signed off before publication of the final video.


Please be aware that I am very happy to receive suggestions on treatment of content but my decision as Director of the video is final as regards all editing and mixing issues.


Please note  too that there will be designated points only in the project when collaborators can request changes to any draft edits or mixes - once these have been completed and signed off there will probably be no further opportunities to do so.


Due to different technical set ups (computer monitors, speakers etc) I have to insist that my system is used as the benchmark for the project  and my decision is final re. Any adjustments to sound and picture. My audio system is also  based around high quality studio speakers  and we use my dad’s professionally calibrated cameras and monitors for video.


Please note that I always test files on a range of different playback systems and displays, and I always ask collaborators for their opinion on edits and mixes - because you need to be happy with your performance! However, if there are any substantial differences between what we see and hear in draft cuts, we will discuss them but my system will be used as the default benchmark.

Find out more:

- Filming and Recording

- Copyright

- Payment


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